How to Get Rid of Groundhogs: A Complete Guide

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Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, can cause significant damage to gardens, lawns, and structures. If you’re dealing with a groundhog problem and seeking effective methods to remove them from your property, this comprehensive guide is here to help. We’ll provide you with practical strategies, expert advice, and important considerations to successfully get rid of groundhogs and prevent future encounters.

Understanding Groundhogs

Before attempting to remove groundhogs, it’s important to understand their behavior and habits. Groundhogs are burrowing mammals that dig extensive tunnels underground. They are primarily herbivorous and are attracted to areas with ample food sources, such as vegetable gardens and lush lawns.

Identify Signs of Groundhog Activity

To confirm groundhog presence, look for the following signs:

Large burrow entrances with piles of soil around them.

Damage to vegetation, including gnawed plants and crops.

Distinctive tracks and droppings near burrows or feeding areas.

  • Prevention and Exclusion: To deter groundhogs from entering your property, consider the following measures:
  • Fence Installation: Install a sturdy fence around your garden or yard, burying it at least one to two feet deep to prevent groundhogs from burrowing underneath. Ensure the fence is at least three feet high and made of materials like welded wire mesh or hardware cloth.
  • Eliminate Attractants: Remove potential food sources by keeping gardens well-maintained, promptly harvesting ripe fruits and vegetables, and eliminating excess vegetation or debris that can attract groundhogs.
  • Humane Groundhog Removal: If groundhogs are already present on your property, you can employ humane removal methods. Consider the following approaches:
  • Live Trapping: Use a live trap designed for groundhogs and bait it with enticing vegetables or fruits. Place the trap near burrow entrances or feeding areas, ensuring it is securely set and the groundhog cannot escape once captured. Check the trap regularly and release the groundhog in a suitable wooded area far from your property.
  • Professional Assistance: If you’re unsure or uncomfortable with trapping groundhogs yourself, consider contacting a wildlife control professional. They have the experience and expertise to safely and humanely remove groundhogs from your property.

Habitat Modification

Making your property less appealing to groundhogs can help prevent future infestations. Consider the following modifications:

Garden Protection: Install wire mesh barriers around vulnerable plants or garden beds to prevent groundhogs from accessing them.

Burrow Filling: Once groundhogs have been removed, fill their burrows with soil and tamp it down firmly to discourage their return or the occupation of the burrows by other animals.

Important Considerations

Local Regulations: Before implementing any removal methods, familiarize yourself with local regulations regarding the control and relocation of groundhogs. Some regions may require permits or restrict relocation distances.

Timing: Groundhog removal is most effective during early spring or late fall when they are less likely to have dependent young.

Safety Precautions: When handling live traps or dealing with groundhogs, wear protective gloves and exercise caution to avoid bites or scratches. Groundhogs may be aggressive when cornered or threatened.


Getting rid of groundhogs requires a combination of prevention, humane removal methods, and habitat modifications. By identifying signs of groundhog activity, implementing exclusion measures, using live traps or seeking professional assistance, and making habitat modifications, you can effectively address groundhog problems and protect your property. 

Remember to prioritize humane practices and comply with local regulations. With patience and persistence, you can successfully manage groundhog populations and minimize potential damage to your property.

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